Valentine’s Day Surprise Cake

Since God loved us so much, let us love one another

1 John 4:11-12

This is just a fun cake I decided to try over a Valentine’s Day weekend a while back. I used chocolate and strawberry cake mix. The secret is to freeze the strawberry cake first to make it easier to cut and handle.

Valentine’s Surprise Cake

1 box of chocolate cake mix batter

1 box of strawberry cake mix batter


Bake the strawberry cake in layer pans or a 13 x 9 pan

Freeze the strawberry layer (preferably overnight). Use a cookie cutter to cut out the hearts.

Place about 1/2 of the chocolate cake batter in a loaf pan, and place the hearts close to each other.

Top with the remaining batter (but don’t fill to the brim or it will overflow)

Bake on 350 degrees for about 25 minutes (but watch carefully. It will bake more slowly with the frozen cake inside)

Slice and surprise! 

Enjoy the video below and follow the Dessert Devotion Facebook page.


1 John 4:11-12

Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.

What many know about God, they know it from you. Some people roll their eyes at Valentine’s Day weekend as just a commercial gimmick. But may this weekend can be an opportunity for us to love. It’s a challenge alright…and it takes more than cards, hearts, or even cake to express our love.

Accept the challenge anyway…to love your neighbors, your church, your friends, your family, and even yourself.

May your love be a glimpse of what God’s love is all about. After all, John reminds us that no one has seen God, but God’s love is perfected in us. Think about it. The best chance we have to “see God” is through our love for one another.

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