Red Velvet Cookie Bars

Advent Series: LOVE

Luke 3: 4-6

Join me every week of Advent to celebrate the hope, love, joy, and peace of Christmas. And of course…a different Christmas cookie recipe every week!

Red Velvet Cookie Bars

1 red velvet cake mix

2 eggs

1 stick melted butter

1 tsp vanilla extract 

Line a 9 x 13 cake pan with parchment paper and spray with cooking spray. Then spread batter evenly in the pan and bake for 20 minutes on 350 degrees.

Cream Cheese Icing

8 oz cream cheese, softened

4 tbsp softened butter

3-4 cups of powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

¼ tsp lemon extract

Blend with a hand mixer.  Frost the cookie bars when they are completely cooled. The bars will easily cut and stack after 15 minutes in the fridge. 

Enjoy the video below and follow the Dessert Devotion Facebook page.


Luke 3: 4-6

…as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah, “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’ ”

John the Baptist describes preparing the way as a construction zone…filling in valleys with dirt, leveling mountains, building and smoothing roads. When a king visited sectors of the kingdom, often roads would be improved, widened, or even created to make way for the king’s entourage. Echoing the imagery of Isaiah—God makes the way to us through the road that God's people have prepared. John the Baptist announces that Jesus, our King, is coming. Likewise we are called to prepare the way, the path for him to come. So how do we open the pathways of our hearts to the salvation of the Lord?

Enjoy the video for the full devotional.

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