Sugar-free Pecan Pralines

Advent Series: JOY

Luke 3: 4-6

Follow me for all four weeks of Advent and great Christmas cookie recipes!  This is the season to celebrate Joy.

The featured recipe is a sugar-free praline for those who want to enjoy the sweetness of the holiday without all of the sugar!

Sugar-free Pralines

5 tbsp salted butter

½ cup Swerve Confectioners Sugar Alternative

⅓ cup heavy whipping cream

1 tsp vanilla

1 ¼ cup pecan halves

Heat butter, Swerve sugar, and cream into a saucepan on medium heat.  Stir constantly until it reaches a low boil.  Then continue whisking until the mixture thickens slightly and becomes a light caramel color.  Quickly remove from the heat and add your vanilla extract and pecans. Spoon praline mixture into mounds on a cookie sheet lined with parchment or wax paper.  Let cool and set completely for about 20-30 minutes before serving. 

Enjoy the video below and follow the Dessert Devotion Facebook page.


Luke 1: 39-42

Mary got up and hurried to a city in the Judean highlands. She entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth.  When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.  With a loud voice she blurted out, “God has blessed you above all women, and he has blessed the child you carry.

We look at one of my favorite Christmas stories…the story of Luke 1:39-42 when Mary visits her relative Elizabeth and finds such joy and encouragement there.  Pray that the Lord will lead you to welcome and encourage someone else during this Christmas season!

Enjoy the video for the full devotional.

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